- Michigan Real Estate Licensing - https://www.michigan.gov/lara/0,4601,7-154-89334_72600_72602_72731_72871---,00.html
- Realtor.org
- Information about Michigan real estate license transfers
- iCOLA Provides a link to online renewal and real estate license transfers through the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs (LARA)
- Verify a Michigan real estate license (you can search by name or license number)
- 1 Stop ConEd LLC (1StopConEd.com), Michigan's premiere home-study real estate continuing education school
- 123 ConEd LLC (123ConEd.com), the leading provider of Michigan online real estate continuing education
- Check your continuing education credits/hours (for hours completed up through December 31, 2014 only)
- Referral Fee Agreement (use if referring a buyer or seller)
- Michigan Real Estate Salesperson License Transfer Form (BPL/LRE-050)
- Michigan Real Estate Salesperson Relicensure Application (BPL/LRE-008)
- Michigan Real Estate Associate Broker or Salesperson License Transfer Application or Employing Broker Notification form